Rollins' Pocket Full of Posey:
Rollins' Golden Isle Teuila
Rollins' Good Golly Miss Molly

Rollins' Golden Piper

RG Mommas:
Rollins' Amazing Grace
Rollins' Golden Kalifornia
aka "Kali"

Rollins' Tenth Dixie Pearl:

Breed: F1
Weight: 35 pounds
Parents: Jazmine/Mars
Breed: F1
Weight: 40 pounds
Parents: Jazmine/Mars
Breed: F1B
Weight: 15 pounds
Parents: Dixie/Huck
Breed: F1
Weight: 40 pounds
Parents: Jazmine/Mars

Breed: double doodle
DOB: 4-7-18
Weight: 25-30 pounds
Parents: Tay/Drake
Rollins' Best of Both Worlds aka "Huda"
Rollins' While You Were Sleeping aka "Olette"
Retired RG Mommas:

Rollins' Can't Burst my Bubble "Nala"

Breed: multigen double doodle
DOB: 8-24-18
Weight: 20-25 pounds
Parents: Kali/Baxter
Breed: F1B
Weight: 25 pounds
Parents: Roxie/Huck

Rollins' Red Roxy
Breed: F1
Weight: 35 pounds
Parents: Jazmine/Mars
There is definitely no bursting this cutness bubble! Nala is a mini double doodle. She has an amazing golden coat with white mis-mark. Her guardian family adores her, and she loves hanging out with her brother who is also an RG doodle. Nala's puppies have been exceptional and we cannot wait for her final litter in 2023.
Rollins' California Poppy
aka 'Poppy"
Breed: double doodle
DOB: 6-7-19
Weight: 20-25 pounds
Parents: Kali/Baxter
Rollins' One in a Million
aka "Millie"
Breed: double doodle
DOB: 5-16-19
Weight: 25 pounds
Parents: Lexi/Drake
Breed: F1
Weight: 35 pounds
Parents: Jazmine/Mars
Breed: F1B goldendoodle
DOB: 12-13-16
Weight: 23 pounds
Parents: Tay/Huck
Breed: double doodle
DOB: 4-7-18
Weight: 25-30 pounds
Parents: Tay/Drake

Guardians: Fitzgeralds
Breed: F1B goldendoodle
DOB: 11-18-19
Weight: est 20-25 pounds
Parents: Maple/Huck
Guardians: Hensgens
Breed: multigen double doodle
DOB: 1-17-2020
Weight: est 25 pounds
Parents: Molly/Drake
Breed: multigen double doodle
DOB: 6-9-2020
Weight: est 25 pounds
Parents: Hope/Knox
Rollins' Dream Girl "Piper"
Rollins' I Love "Lucy"
Rollins' Next Right Thing "Ana"
Guardians: Langley
Breed: F1B goldendoodle
DOB: 7-7-2020
Weight: est 15-20 pounds
Parents: Bonita/Boston
Rollins' Fresh as a "Daisy"
Rollins'Give A Little Love
aka "Lola"
Breed: F1B (second gen) aka F3
DOB: 8-22-17
Weight: 40 pounds
Parents: Molly/Finn

Rollins' Over the Moon "Luna"
Rollins' One More Kiss
aka "Willow"
Breed: F1B goldendoodle
Weight: 20 pounds
Parents: Grace/Huck

Guardians: Bowlings
Breed: multigen double doodle
DOB: 6-7-2020
Weight: est 20-25 pounds
Parents: Tamsen/Henry
Rollins' Red "Rosie"

Breed: F2b goldendoodle
DOB: 12-22-17
Weight: 65 pounds
Parents: Annie/Murphy
Rollins' Chocolate Kiss
aka "Roxy"

Breed: double doodle
DOB: 11-21-17
Weight: 25 pounds
Parents: Dixie/Drake
Rollins' Legally Blonde
aka "Tamsen"

Breed: double doodle
DOB: 2-20-2020
Weight: 28 pounds
Parents: Scout/Drake
Rollins' Miss "Marlo"
Breed: F1B (second gen) aka F3
DOB: 2-19-18
Weight: 25 pounds
Parents: Kali/Duke
Rollins' It's Time to Party aka "Lexi"

Rollins' The Sun will Come Out aka "Annie"
Breed: multigen goldendoodle
DOB: 4-14-19
Weight: 45 pounds
Parents: Rubee/Tex
Rollins' She's a Pretty Penny
aka "Penny"
Breed: double doodle
DOB: 6-18-19
Weight: 20 pounds
Parents: Piper/Reggie

Breed: F1B (second gen) aka F3
DOB: 4-5-18
Weight: 24pounds
Parents: Molly/Duke
Rollins' Sweet Lady Scout aka "Scout"

Rollins' Sealed With A Kiss "Sammy"
Breed: F1 goldendoodle
DOB: 5-18-18
Weight: 25 pounds
Parents: Cali/Huck
Breed: F1 goldendoodle
DOB: 5-18-18
Weight: 25 pounds
Parents: Harper/Huck
Rollins' She's A Star aka "Izzy"

Breed: F1 goldendoodle
DOB: 5-14-18
Weight: 30-35 pounds
Parents: Bailey/Huck
Rollins' Beauty Queen aka

Breed: double doodle
DOB: 2-8-19
Weight: 20pounds
Parents: Willow/Baxter

Rollins' Darling Harley
aka "Harley"
Breed: double doodle
DOB: 5-31-19
Weight: 35-40 pounds
Parents: Roxy/Bruno
Rollins' Dandi Little Thing
aka "Dandi"
Rollins' Golden "Maple"
Guardians: Brockman
Breed: multigen double doodle
DOB: 9-21-19
Weight: 25 pounds
Parents: Huda/Reggie

Maple is as sweet as they come. She is her mama's BEST side kick and loves to give/get all the loves and snuggles. She had her first litter of puppies with our famous "Baxter" boy and their puppies were to die for. We can't wait for more Maple babies.

Guardians: Grahams
Breed: multigen double doodle
DOB: 5-19-2020
Weight: est 25-30pounds
Parents: Roxy/Bruno

This Red Rosie girl is pure perfection! Her lucious coat and stellar temperament is all we could ask for. Rosie had her first litter of puppies and was an amazing momma. We are super stoked for her to have more doodle babies in 2023.
We are quite literally "over the moon" in LOVE with this Luna girl. Her sweet, calm disposition is so wonderful. She produces some of the most amazing medium sized, caramel fur balls!
Our Daisy girl! We could go on and on about how much we love this sweetheart. She is sweet, spunky and full of character. She will produce mini doodles for us this year and we are thrilled!
Piper is exaclty what everyone wants in a dog. She loves all people and is just a fur ball of love. She's the best mama to her puppies and gives them so much love. Piper will have her last litter of puppies in 2023.

This caramel girl is as sweet as she is CUTE. Ana is a total people lover. She loves her family and is so wonderful with kids. Her past puppies have been exceptional. The sweetest faces along with the perfect personalities.
YES, we sure do LOVE LUCY! This cute blondie is the perfect mix of playful, chill, sweet and funny. Lucy is such a wonderful mama to her babies. We are so excited for more "Lucy" babies this year!

Rollins' "Winnie" The Dood
Guardians: Preader
Breed: multigen double doodle
DOB: 8-6-21
Weight: 25 pounds
Parents: Harley/Linx

Rollins' She's a Ten "Luna"
Guardians: Hopson
Breed: multigen double doodle
DOB: 3-1-2022
Weight: est 25 pounds
Parents: Harley/Tex
Rollins' Favorite Cookie "Harlowe"
Guardians: Tracy
Breed: multigen double doodle
DOB: 6-5-2021
Weight: 25 pounds
Parents: Roxy/Bruno

Rollins' Pretty as a Picture "Charlotte"
Rollins' Cute as a Button "Chloe"
Guardians: Ashcraft
Breed: multigen double doodle
DOB: 12-14-2021
Weight: 30 pounds
Guardians: Lizama
Breed: multigen double doodle
DOB: 12-20-21
Weight: 25 pounds
Parents: Hope/Knox
Rollins' "Wendy" Darling
Rollins' Fancy "Darcy"
Guardians: Marquez
Breed: multigen double doodle
DOB: 10-27-20
Weight: 25 pounds
Parents: Huda/Baxter
Rollins' "Sandy" Toes and Sunkissed Nose
Guardians: Rushing
Breed: multigen double doodle
DOB: 10-21-2021
Weight: 25 pounds
Parents: Annie/Baxter
Rollins' Molly
Guardians: Fairchild
Breed: multigen double doodle
DOB: 10-6-2021
Weight: 20 pounds
Parents: Lucy/Reggie
Rollins' Ellie
Guardians: Yaney
Breed: multigen double doodle
DOB: 9-24-2021
Weight: 15 pounds
Parents: Dandi/Drake
Rollins' Ruthie
Guardians: Sorenson
Breed: multigen double doodle
DOB: 3-23-21
Weight: 25 pounds
Parents: Lexi/Baxter
Rollins' Murphy
Guardians: Seavey
Breed: multigen double doodle
DOB: 10-7-21
Weight: 25 pounds
Parents: Maple/Baxter
Rollins' Princess "Leia"
Guardians: Quiroz
Breed: multigen double doodle
DOB: 5-11-2022
Weight: 25 pounds
Parents: Scout/Baxter
Rollins' "Willow"
Guardians: Stabes
Breed: multigen double doodle
DOB: 11-11-21
Weight: 20 pounds
Parents: Piper/Drake
Rollins' "Sailor"
Guardians: Nelson
Breed: multigen double doodle
DOB: 1-14-22
Weight: 35 pounds
Parents: Nova/Huck
Winnie is very affectionate, intelligent, active and friendly. She is amazing around kids and other dogs. Winnie is very gentle and devoted to her family. We are so excited for her to have her first litter of puppies in 2023.
Harlowe loves being around people, especially kids! If you give her one snuggle, you immediatley become her best friend and she will not let you forget it. She is a quick learner and aims to please...especially for carrots! Her pups are just as amazing she is.
Chloe is a very affectionate, intelligent and happy doodle. She has alot of energy when it comes to her 4 mile jogs but normally loves to cuddle, people watch and sleep. She is THAT happy dog walking around the neighborhood with her stuffed animal if she can sneak it out wihtout her parents noticing! Chloe is definitely out here breaking necks. She is simply amazing, we can't wait for her pups!
Wendy Darling is a toy crazy, ball of energy who doesn't love to sit still for too long, but will glady take a belly rub. She has received formal puppy training from Folsom resort and is a very fast learner. She is an excellent hugger too! She's very interested in cats, but really just wants to play. She is so wonderful. We are super excited about the amazing puppies we know she will produce.
Guardians: Piper
Breed: multigen double doodle
DOB: 5-19-22
Weight: 25 pounds
Parents: Marlo/Tex
Darcy is exactly what you want in a small doodle. Her family is totally in love and smitten with her. She loves to cuddle and is so easy going. Darcy is great with kids and other animals. She will have her first litter if micro doodles this Spring!!
Sailor just has the best personality because she adjusts to the environment. If her family is playing outside, she is the most athletic, fun and energetic dog. If it is movie night she will happily lay on her bed and chill. She is very smart, loves to learn and picks up commands quickly. Sailor is very social and enjoys meeting new dogs and people. We can't wait for some Sailor babies!

Leia is a sweet, playful and cuddly girl. She loves belly rubs, ice cubes and going for walks. She is social and smart and LOVES to make new freinds. Her family says she was the sweetest and most perfect addition to their family! She can't wait for her to have her first litter of puppies.